Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Wonderfully Made!!

yay! i managed to complete two of my projs d... So, thats 2 down, 2 to go (excluding my final proj). Damn, got a test today somemore. Totally forgot bout it. Juz when i thought i could breathe a lil after finishing two projs, i get news from Adrian that we've got a test today. DAMN!! hehe.. Oh well, i'll get to breathe all i want in a month's time. Juz need to hang in there a lil longer.

DoUbl3 MoDul3 PrOj3Ct...

My final proj (DMP) is going kinda well actually. This tuition that i'm goin for is really helping. My system's about 80% completed d. BUT my documentation's freakin' far away! oh damn, i dunno how la. Now, suddenly i have no probs in prgramming the system, but ma' brain's all jammed up when it comes to the documentation. I dunno wat else to write! Oh man...

C3ll GrOuP

Oh Cell was kinda cool yesterday. It was really surprising too, coz keith n stewart showed up. N they showed up w/out anyone buggin them to come. Thats so cool. Really happy that keith's comin', on his own summore!! That's super cool. Really made my day, seeing them in cell yesterday.
Well, at fisrt it was juz the regular us n we were about to start worship, then suddenly,clarance's hse door opened, n we were like, "eh, who could it be", and there was Stewart. We were all shocked n were like, "yay, cant believe you're here man! we were juz asking where have you been for so long". Then we started worship n then the door opened AGAIN! This time we were all really clueless n were like, "Who could it EVER b?". Then it was KEITH!!! My gosh, can you believe that. I was juz buggin him to come for cell, like i do always, n he was like,"no la dei, damn tired la". Then suddenly he shows up. Thats super cool man. In the midst of worship! Perfect!!

Our lesson in cell yesterday was great. We all got a piece of paper n we had to pass it around n we had to write something nice about the owner of that paper. So at the end of the round, your paper is filled with nice things written by everyone in the cell. Debs was gettin emotional all... hehe... nah, juz kiddin. But it was really nice to know how ppl think bout you, n in return you get a chance to write something nice for everyone too. Well, EVERYONE was blushing when they read their paper. It was a good lesson, it reminds us of how unique n different we are. N most of all, it reminds us of how wonderfully n beautifully we were made.

...I miss you...


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