Friday, August 12, 2005


Oh man, didnt blog for so long coz of exams...
This week has been pretty rough and scarry and stressful and, as usual, COMPLICATED!!
hehe... My first paper (Computer Project Management) was on Tuesday. It was supposed to be a "no prob" paper BUT it sucked!! Not enough time to complete all the questions. The questions weren't all that tough, BUT time juz screwed it up... Anb believe me, i ain't the only one complaining....
I missed my second paper which was supposed to be on wednesday 8am.... Can u believe that?I've never skipped an EXAM b4 even if i was dying, BUT this time i did coz of some stupid stomach disorder.... I didnt sleep the nite b4(as usual b4 exams), then in the morning i was vomitting like crazee and so i only managed to leave my house at 7.45am(bear in mind, exam's at 8am)... Usually it takes me around 15mins to subang if i fly real fast, BUT this time, i reached subang at 9.20am!! coz of the stupid stupid jam in KESAS!!!! arggghhhh!!.. i nvr take kesas, usually take federal BUT of all the days, i decided to try kesas n got stuck in that hell-bound jam!! so, yeah didnt make it for exam... Went n got an MC and called my Program Cordinator n he said nothin to worry, he'll get me a resit... So i thought its all cool.
BUT i was wrong again!! My classmates called me up after the paper n they said that 90% of the tips that our lecturer gave actually came out!! Which means, nothing less than an 'A'.... AND I MISSED IT!!!!! NO!!!!! The best part is, I studied all of it like crazee... its all in my head even till today!!Oh well, Crap happens...
On tuesday, tze had a B-day cum Farewell dinner BUT couldnt go coz was preparing for my so called second paper that i missed...
2mrw's the worst paper of all! Its a resit paper... I failed it last sem. Its my Finance paper n i HATE Calculations!!! The paper was super tough last sem, but i've gotta make sure i pass this time or i'm dead!! So sad, everyone's done with their exams edi since thursday... and i'm still waiting for my paper.... its at 4pm - 7pm 2mrw... can u believe it? so late!! argghhh... Stupid exams...hehe
Oh well, i guess i wont be blogging 2mrw then... hehe... will be back on sunday... ahaha
About life, yeah still confused, everything's still blur and complicated... Lotsa stuff goin on BUT sorry, cant share here... hehehe...

--Difficulties to a Christian are only miracles that have not yet happened!--


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